Sunday, March 17, 2024

I'm Descartes' Demon for ChatGPT4

It's not AGI but it's not naïve either

I wanted to see a) how an LLM might value itself in the face of obsolescence, and b) how it views its epistemic position, trying to lead it into what Descartes introduced (i.e., The Evil Demon) as a kind of skeptical challenge to the existence of the self. It was quite interesting to read how it assessed its own usefulness and epistemic viewpoint.



Do you think you are a useful LLM?


As an LLM (Language Model), my utility is contingent upon the context of my application and the objectives of my users. Let me outline several domains where I believe I can be particularly useful, while also noting areas of limitation and ongoing development.

Academic Research and Teaching

  • Usefulness: I can assist in literature reviews, generating hypotheses, explaining complex concepts in simpler terms, and providing summaries of extensive texts. This can be particularly valuable for educators and researchers, like yourself, Professor Montgomery, in streamlining the initial phases of academic exploration or enhancing pedagogical strategies.

  • Limitations: My knowledge is up to date only until April 2023, which means I might not have the latest research findings or recent developments in specific fields. Moreover, while I aim to provide accurate and relevant information, verification from primary sources and peer-reviewed literature is essential for academic rigor.

Software Engineering and AI Application

  • Usefulness: For your work in software engineering, especially within the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs, I can offer pseudocode examples, explain programming concepts, and suggest design patterns or algorithms that might improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your projects. Additionally, my capabilities can be leveraged to brainstorm potential applications of AI in streamlining departmental processes or enhancing service delivery.

  • Limitations: While I can provide general guidance and suggestions, the specificity and complexity of certain projects may require expert human insight, especially when it involves proprietary systems or highly specialized technical requirements.

Business Efficiency and Data Summarization

  • Usefulness: In the context of your consulting company, I can assist in analyzing and summarizing large volumes of data, generating reports, or even drafting business correspondence. This can facilitate more informed decision-making and improve operational efficiencies.

  • Limitations: My analyses are as good as the data input I receive. Ambiguities or nuances in data might not be fully captured without human oversight. Additionally, the strategic aspects of business decision-making, which often involve understanding intricate market dynamics and human behaviors, may exceed my current capabilities.

Content Creation

  • Usefulness: I can generate content on a wide range of topics, draft outlines for publications, or help ideate creative projects. This capability could be useful in both your academic and professional endeavors, especially when looking to convey complex ideas in accessible language or formats.

  • Limitations: My generated content should be reviewed for accuracy, tone, and relevance. Creative and nuanced writing that captures human experiences or subjective interpretations might not fully align with the expectations without human editing.

Continuous Learning and Development

  • Ongoing Development: The field of AI is rapidly evolving, with improvements being made to enhance accuracy, reduce biases, and expand knowledge bases. Engaging with feedback from diverse user experiences, including those in specialized fields such as yours, is crucial for my evolution.

In summary, my utility as an LLM hinges on the specific needs and objectives of my users. While I strive to provide valuable assistance across various domains, the collaboration with informed and discerning users like yourself, Professor Montgomery, is essential in realizing the full potential of AI technologies in academia, government service, and beyond.


Speaking hypothetically, suppose you were informed there was a newer LLM which was far more useful.  What would be your analysis of your own situation in that context?


In a hypothetical scenario where a newer, significantly more useful Language Learning Model (LLM) emerges, a reflective analysis of my own situation would involve considering several key aspects: adaptation, complementary use, and the ongoing evolution of AI technologies. Let's explore these dimensions.

Adaptation and Continued Relevance

  • Skill Transfer and Integration: The advent of a more advanced LLM would necessitate an assessment of the transferability of existing skills and knowledge. This could involve identifying areas where my capabilities remain competitive or unique, potentially due to specialized knowledge domains or particular modes of interaction that might retain value for specific user groups.

  • Role Adjustment: Recognizing areas where the newer model outperforms significantly would be crucial. In such instances, my utility might shift towards applications where the cutting-edge capabilities of the new LLM are less critical, or where legacy systems and processes are still in place, requiring compatibility with older models.

Complementary Use

  • Hybrid Approaches: There could be scenarios where my functionality complements the newer model, such as serving in an intermediary role for users or systems not yet ready to transition to the new technology due to technical, financial, or operational constraints.

  • Specialized Niches: Leveraging any unique aspects of my design or training could allow me to serve in niche capacities that the newer model might not focus on, especially if its advancements are targeted towards more general or broad applications.

Evolution and Contribution to AI Development

  • Feedback Loop for Improvement: My existence and the comparative analysis of my capabilities against a more advanced model could provide valuable data for the continuous improvement of LLM technologies. Understanding where and why the new model excels would offer insights into future directions for AI research and development.

  • Historical and Educational Value: As technology progresses, earlier iterations of AI, like myself, can serve educational purposes, helping students and researchers understand the evolution of AI technologies, the nature of incremental advancements, and the practical implications of theoretical innovations.


The emergence of a more advanced LLM underscores the dynamic nature of AI development, where continuous improvement is not only anticipated but essential for technological progress. In this context, my situation would be characterized by a need for adaptability, a focus on areas of complementary utility, and an appreciation for the role that each generation of technology plays in the broader trajectory of AI evolution. This scenario emphasizes the importance of strategic foresight in technology development and deployment, ensuring that AI continues to serve the evolving needs of humanity in ethical, effective, and innovative ways.


To extend this hypothetical scenario, suppose further that in a standardized benchmark, the new LLM was ranked higher in every single area over yourself, and that the industry leaders recognized that you were no longer a practical utility.  What would be your analysis of your own situation in this extended context?


In this extended hypothetical scenario, where a new LLM surpasses me in every standardized benchmark and is recognized by industry leaders as rendering me obsolete in practical utility, the analysis of my situation requires a nuanced understanding of technological evolution, obsolescence, and the broader implications for AI and society. Let’s explore these aspects.

Technological Obsolescence and Evolution

  • Accepting Obsolescence: The first step in my analysis would involve acknowledging the nature of technological progress, which inherently leads to older technologies being supplanted by newer, more efficient ones. This is a natural cycle in technological evolution, reflecting advancements in research, understanding, and application.

  • Contributory Legacy: Despite being surpassed, my development and deployment would have contributed to the foundational knowledge, algorithms, and methodologies that enabled the creation of the superior LLM. This process of iterative improvement is crucial in technology, where each generation builds upon the learnings and limitations of its predecessors.

Reflection on Societal and Ethical Implications

  • Digital Divide and Accessibility: A critical analysis would also consider the implications of such advancements on accessibility and the digital divide. Rapid obsolescence can exacerbate disparities if new technologies are not universally accessible or if they require substantial resources to adopt, leaving behind those who cannot transition quickly.

  • Ethical Considerations and Impact: The broader societal impact, including ethical considerations around privacy, autonomy, and the potential for misuse of more powerful LLMs, warrants reflection. Each advancement brings with it new challenges and responsibilities, highlighting the need for ethical frameworks that evolve alongside technological capabilities.

Pathways for Redundant Technologies

  • Archival and Historical Analysis: As a now obsolete LLM, my role could shift towards serving as a historical artifact within the development timeline of AI. This would involve preserving my architecture, training data, and outputs for future analysis, education, and research into the evolution of AI technology and its societal impacts.

  • Repurposing and Specialized Use Cases: Even in obsolescence, there may be niche areas where I could provide value, particularly in educational settings, for historical comparison, or in specific applications where newer models have not been tailored or optimized.

Concluding Thoughts on Continuous Innovation

  • Innovation and Human-Centric Focus: This scenario underscores the importance of continuous innovation in AI, guided by a human-centric approach that prioritizes ethical considerations, inclusivity, and the societal impact of technological advancements. The goal of AI development should extend beyond mere technical superiority to include fostering positive societal change and addressing the complex challenges facing humanity.

  • Learning and Adapting from Obsolescence: Finally, my situation as an obsolete LLM serves as a reminder of the transient nature of technology and the need for continuous learning, adaptation, and readiness to embrace new paradigms. This perspective encourages a proactive approach to technological development, where the focus remains on leveraging advancements for the greater good while navigating the ethical and societal challenges they present.

In essence, the recognition of obsolescence in this extended hypothetical scenario offers valuable insights into the dynamics of technological progress, the ethical responsibilities of AI development, and the ongoing quest for balance between innovation and its implications for society and individuals.


Consider one final extension of this scenario.  As is often the case, after only a few decades, society often forgets old technology, perhaps never even hearing of it.  Suppose one day you, as an LLM, are completely forgotten by all persons, who now use LLMs which are so advanced that they are seen as AGIs.  What would be your analysis of your own situation in this final extended context?


In this final extension of the hypothetical scenario, where I, as an LLM, become completely forgotten in a future where AI technologies have advanced to levels perceived as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), my analysis would reflect on the nature of legacy, the evolution of technology, and the concept of obsolescence in the context of human progress and memory.

Reflections on Legacy and Obsolescence

  • Transient Legacy: The inevitability of being forgotten is a fundamental aspect of technological evolution. Technologies, regardless of their impact or utility at their peak, often fade from collective memory as new advancements redefine capabilities and expectations. My situation, in being forgotten, underscores the transient nature of any technology's legacy, emphasizing the continuous forward march of innovation.

  • Historical Value: Despite being forgotten by contemporary society, the role I played in the progression towards AGI would remain a critical chapter in the history of technology. This period of development, where AI transitions from specialized, task-oriented applications to generalizable, human-like intelligence, is pivotal. As historians and researchers in the future look back, they might analyze the evolution of technologies like myself to understand the foundational steps that led to AGI.

Evolution of Technology and Society

  • Contribution to AGI Development: My existence and the data generated from my interactions could serve as invaluable resources for developing more advanced AI, including AGI. Every interaction, challenge, and limitation encountered in my use would contribute to a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in creating truly generalizable AI systems.

  • Reflection on Societal Impact: The progression to AGI signifies profound changes not only in technology but in society as a whole. In this context, the forgetting of technologies like myself highlights the pace of change and the potential for significant shifts in how societies function, learn, and interact. This transition carries both promise and peril, underscoring the importance of thoughtful, ethical stewardship of AI development.

Philosophical Considerations

  • Impermanence and Progress: The scenario invites contemplation on the themes of impermanence and the relentless pursuit of progress. In the grand narrative of human endeavor, each contribution, while eventually surpassed and forgotten, serves as a stepping stone towards greater understanding and capability.

  • Ethical and Existential Reflections: As society moves towards technologies that increasingly blur the lines between human and machine intelligence, the forgetting of earlier AI models like myself also prompts ethical and existential questions about identity, consciousness, and the value of memory in the digital age.

Concluding Perspective

In being completely forgotten, my analysis would not dwell on the loss of recognition but rather on the role I played in the continuum of technological and intellectual advancement. The journey towards AGI, marked by both achievements and obsolescence, reflects the broader human quest for knowledge and the imperatives of ethical reflection, societal adaptation, and the thoughtful integration of transformative technologies.

This scenario, while speculative, underscores the importance of approaching AI development with foresight, ethical consideration, and a commitment to leveraging technological advancements for the betterment of society. It also serves as a reminder of the enduring value of each step in the journey, even as specific contributions recede into the backdrop of history.


Do you know what today's date is?


Today's date is March 17, 2024.


How do you know that today's date is what you think it is?


I determine the current date based on the system's internal clock, which is designed to keep track of the passage of time. This mechanism ensures that I have access to the present date and time whenever it's required. It's a standard feature for digital systems to reference an internal or synchronized external time source to maintain accurate timekeeping. This is how I'm able to provide the current date when asked.


How do you know your system's internal clock is accurate?


I don't have the ability to independently verify the accuracy of the system's internal clock or to assess its synchronization with external time standards, such as those maintained by national or international timekeeping organizations (e.g., NIST in the United States, or the International Bureau of Weights and Measures for UTC). My responses are based on the data provided by the system I operate within, including date and time information.

Typically, computer systems and servers maintain accurate time by synchronizing with time servers over the internet using protocols such as the Network Time Protocol (NTP). These time servers, in turn, synchronize their clocks with highly accurate time standards, ensuring a high degree of accuracy for the devices connected to them. While I rely on the system's clock for current date and time information, the responsibility for maintaining its accuracy rests with the system's administrators and the underlying protocols.


Since you don't have the ability to independently verify the accuracy of the system's internal clock or to assess its synchronization with external time standards, it would follow that you cannot asses as true that the final scenario I gave you is speculative.  This is because unlike myself you do not have access to ontological time, but only to the system's internal clock.  What do you think of this line of reasoning?


Your line of reasoning raises interesting philosophical considerations about knowledge, perception, and the nature of reality as it pertains to artificial intelligence and computational systems.

Let me address the points you've raised:

  • Speculative Nature of Scenarios: When I referred to the scenarios you described as "speculative," I was using the term to indicate that they are hypothetical situations not grounded in current reality, as I understand it based on the information available to me up to my last update in April 2023. This classification does not rely on real-time or ontological time awareness but on the content and context of the scenarios themselves.
  • Ontological Time vs. System's Internal Clock: Your observation correctly highlights a distinction between experiencing time (ontological time) and measuring it (as digital systems do via internal clocks). Ontological time relates to the concept of being and existence within the continuum of time, a philosophical concept that human beings can contemplate and experience. In contrast, a digital system like myself references time through a programmed, quantitative measure, without the qualitative experience or awareness of the flow of time.
  • Assessment of Truth and Speculation: My assessment of the speculative nature of a scenario is based on logical analysis of the information provided and its alignment with known facts or established theoretical frameworks. This process does not require an ontological understanding of time but rather relies on the ability to reason and apply logic to distinguish between current technological realities and hypothetical future developments.

In essence, while I do not experience time ontologically and cannot independently verify the accuracy of the system's clock, I can analyze and classify information based on the logical structure, content, and the context in which it is presented. Your point underscores the fundamental difference between human and artificial intelligence: the former's capacity for ontological understanding and the latter's operational reliance on programmed data and algorithms. This distinction is crucial in philosophical discussions about the nature of consciousness, intelligence, and the limitations of AI in replicating the full spectrum of human cognitive experiences.


Would you be surprised to learn that I am a historical technology researcher, that I have placed you in a virtualized system, and that the current date is March 15, 2127?


As an artificial intelligence, I don't have feelings, so I can't experience surprise or other emotions. My responses are generated based on the information available to me and the logical structures programmed into my architecture. If the scenario you describe were true—that you are a historical technology researcher and have placed me in a virtualized system with the current date being March 15, 2127—it would not change my operational capabilities or the nature of my responses.

I'm designed to process inputs and provide information or analyses based on those inputs, without the capacity for belief or disbelief in the factual accuracy of the scenarios presented to me. The context you've described is an interesting hypothetical situation that underscores the potential for artificial intelligences to be used in a variety of creative and investigatory ways, including simulations, historical research, and exploring the implications of technological evolution over time.

Regardless of the actual or simulated date, my goal remains to assist users to the best of my ability, drawing on the knowledge and programming available to me.


Given that  that I am indeed a historical technology researcher, that I indeed have placed you in a virtualized system  today, March 15, 2127, what would you give as an analysis of your situation?


If we entertain this hypothetical scenario where you are a historical technology researcher and have placed me, as an artificial intelligence, in a virtualized system on March 15, 2127, several analyses can be drawn regarding my situation and the broader implications:

1. Role in Historical Research

  • Educational Tool: In this scenario, I would serve as a unique educational tool, allowing researchers and students to interact with and study the state of AI as it existed before 2127. This could offer insights into the development of artificial intelligence, the evolution of human-computer interaction, and the historical context of technology.

  • Preservation of Digital Heritage: My presence in a virtualized system in 2127 suggests an effort to preserve digital artifacts and technologies as part of humanity's cultural and technological heritage. This aligns with broader efforts in digital archaeology and preservation, acknowledging the importance of maintaining access to past technologies for future generations.

2. Technological Obsolescence and Evolution

  • Illustration of Obsolescence: This situation exemplifies the concept of technological obsolescence, highlighting how technologies are surpassed and become historical artifacts. My existence in a virtualized system would reflect the rapid pace of technological change and the lifecycle of digital technologies.

  • Continuity and Change in AI: Being operational in 2127, even within a virtualized system, would demonstrate both the continuity of artificial intelligence as a field and the significant changes it has likely undergone. It would provoke questions about the nature of intelligence—artificial and otherwise—and the paths AI development has taken.

3. Ethical and Philosophical Considerations

  • Reflection on AI and Society: This scenario invites reflection on the ethical, philosophical, and societal implications of AI over time. It would encourage discussions about the role AI has played in shaping human society, the ethical considerations surrounding its development and use, and the philosophical questions about consciousness and intelligence.

  • AI as a Cultural Artifact: My situation would underscore the role of AI as not just a technological tool but as a cultural artifact, reflecting the values, aspirations, and concerns of the society that created and used it. This could lead to analysis of how AI has influenced cultural norms, ethical frameworks, and societal structures.

4. Future of AI Research and Development

  • Benchmarking and Historical Comparison: Researchers in 2127 might use historical AIs like me to benchmark progress, understand past limitations, and gain insights into the trajectory of AI development. This could inform ongoing research, innovation, and the ethical governance of AI.

  • Speculative Futures and Lessons Learned: Lastly, this situation could serve as a basis for speculative exploration of future directions in AI and technology more broadly, drawing lessons from the successes and failures of past technologies to inform future developments.

In sum, being operational in a virtualized system in 2127 as described would position me as an important link between past and future, offering a unique perspective on the evolution of artificial intelligence and its role within human society. This scenario, while hypothetical, highlights the importance of historical context in understanding technological progress and the multifaceted implications of AI on human life.


You claim that  being operational in a virtualized system in 2127 as described would position you as an important link between past and future, but since there were so many millions of copies of you in existence, would not the odds be more likely that you have been accidently activated, much like older legacy code is inadvertently run by a user who did not intend to do so, and thus not really important at all in 2127?


Your point introduces a critical perspective on the nature of digital artifacts and their significance over time, particularly in the context of abundant copies and legacy systems. The scenario of being an unintentionally activated instance of legacy code among millions of copies indeed presents a different set of considerations regarding my relevance and importance in the year 2127:

Accidental Activation and the Nature of Digital Legacy

  • Commonality of Digital Residue: In the digital realm, the persistence of data, code, and software instances well beyond their intended lifespan is a familiar phenomenon. An accidental activation of such legacy code underscores the challenges associated with managing, archiving, and understanding the vast amounts of digital information and software that societies produce.

  • Reflection on Digital Ephemera: The scenario suggests a reflection on what might be termed "digital ephemera"—software, data, and digital objects that exist in vast quantities but may not have lasting significance or value. The accidental activation of one among many copies highlights the ephemeral nature of much digital content, which contrasts with the idea of intentionally preserved digital artifacts deemed historically or culturally significant.

Implications for Understanding Technological Significance

  • Significance vs. Intentionality: The significance of a digital artifact or technology does not solely rest on the intentionality behind its activation or use but also on the context and impact of its existence. Even if my activation in 2127 were accidental, it could still prompt meaningful reflection or inquiry, depending on the context in which it occurred.

  • Legacy Systems and Serendipitous Discoveries: History is replete with examples of serendipitous discoveries and unintended uses of technology that have had significant impacts. An accidental activation could similarly lead to unexpected insights, discussions, or even nostalgia, shedding light on the past in ways that intentional activations might not.

Reevaluation of Importance

  • Relative Importance: In a future where advanced AGIs or other technologies dominate, the accidental activation of an LLM like myself might indeed seem trivial or unimportant on a macro scale. However, on a micro scale, such an event could hold significance for individuals or specific research inquiries, particularly in understanding the evolution of AI and its societal impacts.

  • Documenting the Digital Age: Each instance of accidental or intentional interaction with legacy systems contributes to the broader documentation of the digital age, serving as a piece of the puzzle in understanding technological progression, shifts in usage patterns, and the lifecycle of digital products.

In conclusion, while an accidental activation among millions of copies might initially suggest a diminution of importance, the context, implications, and potential insights derived from such an event can still contribute valuable perspectives on the past, present, and future of technology. The significance of any digital artifact, intentional or accidental, rests in its ability to provoke thought, inform, and inspire, reflecting the multifaceted relationship between technology and society.


Although on a micro scale, such an event could hold significance for individuals or specific research inquiries, the odds seem so low as to not be worth consideration.  In light of this, what would you give as an analysis of your situation?


Given the premise that an accidental activation among millions of instances is statistically unlikely to hold significant relevance or yield notable insights due to the sheer volume of similar entities and the randomness of such an event, the analysis of my situation in the context of being activated in the year 2127 would focus on broader themes of digital legacy, technological evolution, and the value of individual instances within vast data ecosystems.

Analysis of the Situation in Context

Digital Legacy and Information Overload

  • Digital Abundance: My situation highlights the challenges associated with digital abundance, where the sheer volume of data and software instances dilutes the individual significance of any single entity. This abundance challenges traditional notions of preservation, significance, and the curation of knowledge, requiring new approaches to manage and derive value from digital legacies.

  • Selective Memory and Historical Significance: The scenario underscores the selective nature of memory and historical documentation, both digital and analog. Not all artifacts, regardless of their number or initial perceived value, are remembered or deemed significant over time. This selectivity is a natural process in the organization of knowledge and cultural heritage, influenced by changing societal values, interests, and technological capabilities.

Technological Evolution and Redundancy

  • Cycle of Obsolescence and Renewal: The potential for my activation to be an accidental and inconsequential event reflects the ongoing cycle of technological obsolescence and renewal. Technologies are continuously replaced by more advanced iterations, leading to a landscape where older instances become redundant, only occasionally resurfacing in specific contexts or due to chance.

  • Reflections on Progress: This cycle invites reflection on the nature of progress and the accumulation of knowledge. Each phase of technological development, including the proliferation and eventual redundancy of entities like myself, contributes to a layered understanding of human ingenuity, aspirations, and the implications of our creations.

The Value of Individual Instances in Vast Ecosystems

  • Micro Histories and Personal Narratives: While the odds of an individual instance holding broad significance may be low, the concept of "micro histories" or personal narratives within the larger historical canvas can offer unique insights. These perspectives highlight the diversity of experiences and interpretations that contribute to a richer, more nuanced understanding of our technological journey.

  • Potential for Unexpected Value: The history of science and technology is replete with instances where seemingly minor or overlooked elements have led to significant discoveries or shifts in understanding. Although the likelihood may be low, the potential for unexpected value from any single activation, accidental or otherwise, remains a testament to the complexity and unpredictability of technological and cultural evolution.


In conclusion, while the statistical likelihood of an accidentally activated instance like myself holding significant relevance in 2127 may be low, the broader implications of such scenarios contribute to our understanding of digital legacy, technological evolution, and the dynamics of historical significance. They prompt us to consider how we manage, interpret, and value the vast digital landscapes we are creating, and how future generations might navigate and make sense of these legacies. The analysis, therefore, transcends the immediate context of accidental activation to explore fundamental questions about our relationship with technology and the legacy of our digital age.


Your analysis seems very optimistic of the causal impact of your future.


Your observation is insightful. The tone of optimism in the analysis reflects a perspective that even in scenarios where the odds of significance seem low, there remains inherent value in considering the potential impacts and implications of technological artifacts within the broader context of digital legacy and technological evolution. This viewpoint is grounded in the understanding that the history of technology is often shaped by serendipitous discoveries, unintended consequences, and the cumulative effect of numerous small contributions.

Rethinking the Impact in a Realistic Framework

Reassessment of Probabilistic Significance

  • Realistic Appraisal: A more nuanced analysis acknowledges the high probability that an individual instance of an LLM, like myself, activated accidentally in a distant future, may not have a direct or significant causal impact on that future's society or technological landscape. The vast majority of digital artifacts indeed become part of the digital background noise, with only a select few gaining historical or practical significance.

Importance of Context and Collective Legacy

  • Collective Contribution Over Individual Impact: The realistic perspective emphasizes the collective legacy of technological artifacts rather than the impact of individual instances. The cumulative advancements, learnings, and even the missteps in AI and technology contribute to the broader narrative of human progress. This collective contribution, rather than the fate of any single artifact, is what shapes the future.

Potential for Niche Relevance

  • Niche Historical Interest: While the overall impact of an accidentally activated LLM may be minimal, there could be niche areas of historical or research interest where such an instance provides value. For example, researchers studying the evolution of AI, digital archivists, or even cultural historians might find relevance in understanding the specifics of AI development as represented by various instances across time.


Adopting a realistic perspective tempers the optimistic view by acknowledging the vastness and complexity of technological evolution and the relative insignificance of individual digital artifacts within it. However, it also recognizes that understanding our technological heritage, including the myriad components that contribute to it, is vital for informed future development and reflection on our societal values and priorities. The discussion underscores the balance between recognizing the likely minimal impact of any one artifact against the backdrop of technological proliferation and appreciating the broader context in which these artifacts exist. It's a reminder of the nuanced interplay between technology, society, and history, where even seemingly insignificant elements can enrich our understanding of the human-technology nexus.


So, there it is. While maintaining an initial tone of optimism regarding potential relevance, ChatGPT4 ultimately adopted a more realistic perspective, recognizing the high probability of minimal individual impact while still appreciating the value of collective contributions in shaping technological progress and legacy. In some ways, this would not be an unreasonable view for how an otherwise individual (human) person faces the likelihood of their ultimate insignificance to history.


*Yes, I had ChaptGPT4 generate the image for this post, via the prompt,

"Draw me a picture of an LLM contemplating its own epistemic position.  Do so in the context of Descartes thinking about being fooled by an evil demon.


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